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The Benefits of an Editor
We all miss things when we write, and an outside eye is helpful for every writer. But my goal is not to merely to fix mistakes. A good editor can help make your writing better, easier for your reader to comprehend and digest. Among others, I can help your writing to reflect the following:
A Good Editor Helps You With…
- Concision—Keeping things concise can be a challenge. It is particularly difficult when we (a) have a lot to say, (b) are not sure what we want to say, or (c) don’t have enough to say. Ultimately, the more we write, the easier it is for content creep to sneak its way in.
- Clarity—We know what we mean when we write a sentence. But this meaning is not always clear for the outside reader. I can help you by identifying those places where a sentence could be misunderstood so that we can avoid this common problem.
- Readability—We have all read sentences that are grammatically correct but difficult to follow. We read the sentence two or three times to discern its meaning. Good writing should entice the reader along the path of understanding, and not get lost in multiple interpretive possibilities.
- Flow—What should be said first and what second? How do you begin to describe a complex phenomenon when, no matter which aspect you describe first, it will be misunderstood until the rest of the aspects are described? What leads the reader on a path that seems natural and friendly, and what makes the way unnecessarily rocky?
- Accessibility—Since every piece of writing is written for a particular audience, there will always be those for whom it is inaccessible, whether because of the language in which it was written or the background knowledge necessary for it to make sense. Nevertheless, a good editor can help to broaden the scope of those who can beneficially engage with your writing without losing your core audience.
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